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Better data compliance for a healthy organization

With Datavid, you will always be guided and up-to-date on the ever-changing regulations, you will control your data and have access to valuable insights.


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Helping world-class firms make the most of their data

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Your business lives in an increasingly complex IT and digital world with more and more risks and this can make you feel lost. 

The volume of data in the world increases day by day.

As data increases, so do regulations. 

Datavid's compliance experts will help you manage, visualize and optimize your data so that it will no longer be a burden but a valuable source of information. 

Audit your data

Get streamlined processes and provide access to your data to the authorized people only. 

Datavid provides a data governance solution for your business to get a complete picture of your data. 

Visualise your data and reduce risk

Check your data faster and discover trends with reports, dashboards and analytics that enable you to gain insights and minimize risks.  

Datavid provides a data analytics solution for your business that speeds up your decision-making process. 

Be compliant and protect your data 

Automatically monitor and supervise your data, ensure to always comply with all the regulations, prevent misuse of personal data and maintain control over data privacy standards. 

Datavid offer you a data management service that helps you achieve better data protection and make less mistakes.

Creating real-world value through data

When working with your organization's data, there isn't just a project at stake, but rather years of work and corporate knowledge. That awareness alone leads Datavid to implement a rigorous approach for project delivery.

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Corporate organizations

Suppliers, distributors and business partners are part of the corporate organizations network.

That is why it is convenient to have a third-party risk management system.

It is necessary to always keep data and trends under control to anticipate possible risks, including those associated with third parties. Datavid can offer you a solution to safeguard your organization from exposure to breaches, to detect and assess risks.

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Healthcare compliance deals with legal, ethical and professional aspects applicable to a particular healthcare organization or provider. It is important in this sensitive area because it promotes the prevention, detection and resolution of conduct that does not comply with laws, public and private health program requirements, and ethical and company policies.

Datavid can assist you with the increasing medical (and medical devices) regulations helping you comply with all the new laws and directives.

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Financial services

The financial sector is involved in continuous digitization. This means new regulations to follow and new management costs. Regulated financial institutions need effective monitoring systems.  

Organizations need to be sure that they have tools in place to protect the security of their data. 

Datavid can help you secure your data and give access only to the authorized people. 

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Speed, agility and customer experience.

These are some of the keywords for fintech organizations. 

Competition is increasing and consumers' expectations too. These companies have to make sure that their processes are robust and under control, that there are no violations (e.g. fraud detection, financial crimes) and that all operations are carried out according to regulatory obligations. 

Datavid can support you in screening your data and preventing fraud.

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Improving efficiency and securing compliance with automated delivery pipeline and architectural improvements

Datavid helped Roche, a healthcare company, increase the value of their cross-department data platform by conducting an architectural review and proposing improvements.

Datavid suggested an integrated continuous delivery pipeline to automate the release of new features to the production system, reducing costs, increasing efficiency and securing compliance.

The client experienced shorter delivery cycles and increased performance, leading to improved ROI and productivity.

Read the full case study →

roche case study pharmaceuticals datavid

As a result of the performance issues solved by Datavid via a re-design of the architecture and of the delivery model, Roche reduced the overall costs significantly and increased the efficiency of the system.

Your questions. Answered.

Regulatory compliance is an organisation's adherence to laws, regulations, guidelines and specifications relevant to its business. 

Anyone who can access a company's internal data or platforms poses a security risk. Internal threats are often overlooked in order to focus more on external ones.  This is because internal threats are less likely. Nonetheless, these are also much more dangerous. 

The regulatory compliance process is complicated, which is why many companies rely on external services to help them comply with all regulations at all times. The regulatory compliance process can be divided into six steps: 

1) Understand which regulations are relevant to your business 
2) Identify the specific requirements to be met 
3) Carry out an initial internal audit 
4) Set up and report on compliance policies and procedures 
5) Train employees regularly on compliance 
6) Improve your regulatory compliance constantly

Take your organization's data practices to new heights

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