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Data lake consulting for your organisation's needs

Make the most of your data lake and integrate it across your organisation with Datavid's expert consulting.


Datavid data lake solutions

Bring data together from disparate sources

Having a lot of data is valuable, but only if it's clean, accessible, and organised.  
Thanks to Datavid's team,  your organisation can have all its data in one place and unlock its full potential.

Make accessing data as easy as flipping a switch

Give your organisation's team members the ability to access even complex data with the click of a button. Datavid develops software for non-technical users to achieve productive data workflows in their domain.

Enable new business opportunities

With a proper data lake,your organisation has control over its enterprise assets. That means opening a host of possibilities like integrating data into products, using it for R&D, creating internal tools, and more.

Datavid has years of experience supporting businesses like yours in managing scattered data across systems that make it difficult to extract valuable insights. Data lakes are usually the solution to this problem.

But they're often implemented poorly.

As centralised repositories that allow for storage, management, and integration of massive amounts of data—they can get complex fairly quickly. With Datavid's help, your business can dive into the depths of its data and create a full picture of where that information goes, who gets to access it, and how it's used.

Turn your data lake into a business win.

Data lakes are inherently technical, but they exist to serve a business purpose: bringing all your organisation's data together and categorising it so that it can be accessed more easily. Datavid helps you achieve just that.

Datavid helps you manage your data effectively

Manage your data effectively

Data lakes are designed to handle large volumes of data, unifying multiple sources in one location for easier organisation and management. Datavid's data lake consulting gives you the tools to achieve this goal successfully thanks to our consultants' deep expertise in database technology.

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Make accessing data a breeze

Datavid allows for easy and secure access to your data by multiple teams and stakeholders. Our data lake implementations democratise data access and enables self-service across the board, empowering individuals throughout your organisation to use information effectively.

Datavid allows for easy and secure access to your data
Datavid prepares your data for other applications

Prepare data for other applications

Well-implemented data lakes are containers that allow for useful functionality like business analytics, semantic search, compliance reporting, and more. Datavid doesn't stop at creating the data lake itself—we advise your organisation on how to make best use of all this data.

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Revolutionising data management

The American Chemical Society faced the challenge of managing a vast amount of data without a general storage repository.  

Datavid proposed and developed a content lake that acted as a suitable authority and preservation repository, providing higher performance, efficiency, availability, and capacity. 

The result was an efficient storage, processing, search, and retrieval of large volumes of structured and unstructured content, that has reduced the overall costs. 

Read the full case study →

datavid helped ACS revolutionse data management


There was so much effort behind the scenes in validating and normalising our content that spans many generations of people, production processes, and technologies – what a feat!


Helping world-class organisations implement data lakes

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Your questions. Answered.

A data lake is a centralised repository that stores a vast amount of raw and unstructured data from various sources. It allows organisations to store, process, and analyse data flexibly, making it a valuable resource for big data analytics and data-driven decision-making

Data lakes are typically managed by data engineers, data scientists, and IT professionals within an organisation. They are responsible for data ingestion, storage, security, and ensuring that data is accessible for analysis by various teams and stakeholders.

Data lakes are not replacing data warehouses but are often used in conjunction with them. Data lakes are more suitable for storing raw and unstructured data, while data warehouses are designed for structured data and optimised for analytical queries. Many organisations use both data lakes and data warehouses to meet their diverse data storage and analysis needs.

Take your organisation's data practices to new heights

datavid manish gupta data engineer